It’s that time of year when all residents of the Olympic Peninsula come out of winter hibernation. The sun starts shining and the rhododendrons and lilacs are in bloom.The third week of May hosts the local, grass-roots, week-long festival, The Rhododendron Festival, often nick-named “Rhody.” It’s a celebration for all who currently live in Port Townsend and Jefferson County, as well as those who have ever lived here. It is a festival not for tourists, but for each other. The Rhody Festival, in its nearly 90-year history has never fully been interrupted, with the exception of COVID-19. Rhody has been on pause for two years, but now it is back. There are new faces in town, folks who have never experienced Rhody. Welcome! What makes the festival special is the participation by residents. There are trike races, bed races, a pet parade, Kiddie parade, Grand Parade, hair and beard contest, a golf tournament, and a 10K run and more! Join in! Plus KPTZ’s News Bulletin board Attention Please hosts a Rhody Special Monday May 16, airing at noon and 5:00pm.