
KPTZ Underwriters

If your business would like to help support KPTZ, consider becoming an underwriter.

KPTZ is proud to have the following organizations support our radio station:

Bishop Hotel
Biquette Interiors
Cunnington Dental
Don’s Pharmacy
Dungeness River Nature Center
Edensaw Woods

First Federal Savings & Loan
Food Co-op
Friends of the Port Townsend Library
Glow Natural Skin Care
Gold Star Marine
Good Man Sanitation
Jefferson Community Foundation
Jefferson County PUD
Jefferson Healthcare
Jefferson Land Trust
John L. Scott Real Estate
Key City Public Theater
Kristin Cooper Tax Prep
Northwind Art
Olympic Music Festival
Olympic Peninsula Mindfulness
Peninsula Hearing
Peninsula Paint
PT Film Festival
Port Townsend Garden Center
Port Townsend School of Massage
Quimper Mercantile
Rainshadow Recording Studio
Spice & Tea Exchange
Wild Birds Unlimited
Windermere Real Estate
Wine Seller