On alternate Fridays during the noon hour, KPTZ’s Chris Bricker and co-host Siobhan Canty, President &. CEO of Jefferson Community Foundation, meet to discuss new developments, new paradigms, and the new normal as we roll into the months ahead. In this edition of Community Tides, Chris and Siobhan speak with Kate Ingram, General Manager of KPTZ, about her vision and the roll KPTZ continues to play in the lives of our communities here on the eastern Peninsula and beyond.
The station is celebrating KPTZ’s tenth year, and Kate points out the incredible strides our station has taken in that comparatively short amount of time. She herself has brought amazing credentials to her job, and our talented KPTZ volunteers, Board, and Staff have helped to paint a radio picture that has captured the imagination, support, loyalty and growth of our listenership. Thanks to hard and dedicated work “behind the scenes,” the move to our brand new “Studio 305” at Fort Worden is eminent, and exciting new programming is in the works.