
County Public Health Report ~ 11/09

Today, date Public Health Officer Dr. Tom Locke shared about the recent Jefferson County increase in COVID-19 cases. He answered questions about:

• Case count has increased by 8 in the last 7 days, with the total now at 96. This moves us into the moderate risk positivity rate, at 34 cases per 100,000. Some other counties in Washington are farther along into the third COVID-19 wave, as had been predicted for the fall-winter season.

• Our Public Health Department is working very actively to be ready for vaccine distribution, is likely to prioritize first responders and those at greatest risk.

• As for masks, surgical masks are the most effective, but cloth masks are nearly as effective for source control such as when out shopping.

• The costs of quarantine, although challenging for people and families, is a concern our local public health department is working to address, whenever needed.

Department of Emergency Management Director Willie Bence expressed preliminary concern about whether there will be adequate PPE available here, should the case count continue to increase.