
Our Working Waterfront ~ 8/13

Each month, on the second Friday at Noon, KPTZ’s Chris Bricker and his Co-Hosts, Port Commissioner Pam Petranek and our Port of Port Townsend’s Director Eron Berg bring you an update on news, issues, and personalities surrounding our vibrant Working Waterfront community. This month we visit Dave Thompson, our Boatyard’s iconic shipwright, and we learn a little about his life, his career, and his mentoring of past and current young shipwrights and apprentices that have graced his open-air shop. His “Career of a Lifetime” has spanned the decades here, from the mid 1970s to present day, as apprentice, as advisor to artisans, as the Yard’s advocate, as two-term Port Commissione,r and overall generous soul. Oh, and he also reveals the origin of “Charlie Noble Enterprises” (a.k.a. Thompson Boat)!