
Our Working Waterfront

(Airdate: May 17, 2021) For our special Birthday episode of Our Working Waterfront, we check in with Co-Host Eron Berg, Port of Port Townsend’s Port Director, for his regular recap for the month, with a special emphasis on developments in the formulation of a Citizens’ planning process for the Port properties there. Then Chris Bricker and Co-Host, Port Commissioner Pam Petranek take a walk through the boatyard to encounter some of our Women of the Waterfront. They speak with shipwrights Esther Whitmore of Haven Boatworks and Angi Lungu of the Shipwrights’ Co-Op. Then they visit Port Townsend sailing legend, Carol Hasse and her wooden boat Lorraine in the marina, and finally a delightful conversation with Erika and Alyson of Port Townsend Sails, locally known as the Sail Loft, in Point Hudson.