

Radio Connects Us All

Silent Request for Your Support

A year ago we all entered a Twilight Zone episode where, from one day to the next, life changed profoundly. As the COVID-19 virus spread exponentially around the world, we isolated ourselves from community, friends, and even family. In isolation we watched, horrified as the death toll rose to unbelievable levels, in part due to a paralyzed federal government. Many of us suffered the wrenching loss of family or friends to the pandemic.

Yet it is now spring, and with the widespread distribution of vaccines there is a palpable feeling of hope in our community. It’s almost like spring has entered our hearts, allowing us to believe we have surpassed the worst period many of us have experienced in our entire lives. We yearn for things to return to normal, though it is unclear what normal life will be; we shall have to define the new normal, together.

Throughout the past year KPTZ has, through the dedication of our small staff and many volunteers, operated as close to normal as it could. In fact, I am so proud of how the station grew its presence in the community by:

  • becoming the main local conduit for COVID-19 information via Dr. Locke’s weekly updates to the county and city councils,
  • broadcasting important local meetings,
  • hosting John Mauro for City Manager weekly access to the public,
  • expanding daily local news, as well as offering National Native News.

The pandemic has had a transformative impact on fundraising for KPTZ, as it has for many non-profits. Forced to abandon traditional biannual on-air fundraising weeks (which may be a relief to many including myself) we have shifted to short on-air appeals and even “silent” requests, reaching out to you directly for support.

This is one of those silent requests for your donation.

One major drawback of traditional community radio on-air drives is that it conditions listeners to think they should give once a year, which distorts our income, whereas expenses are constant. That is why we encourage you to become a sustaining donor, to convert your giving to a monthly payment, just like you probably do for other media sources. As a sustaining donor I do not have to wonder if it is time for me to donate because I know I am doing it regularly. And, it allows me to consider giving extra when I receive an appeal like this one.

Federal stimulus payments to you could help KPTZ.

I recognize that there are many unprecedented needs in our community, and that the many organizations working to meet those needs could put better use to the stimulus checks I receive than I can. So I have been fortunate to be in a position to redirect those funds to causes that matter to me. If KPTZ matters to you, and if you financially do not need your stimulus check, please consider using it to stimulate us! Yet just as importantly, think about the impact your giving can have on other worthy organizations.

Thank you very much for your support.


Robert Ambrose
President, KPTZ Board of Directors
Host, Rhythm Connection (Tuesdays 1-3pm)

Photo credit: Allan Bruce Zee
Allan Bruce Zee Photography