One must be nimble to respond to the changing landscape of the pandemic. Lynn Sorensen, RN and Chris Bricker, KPTZ host had prepared for Through Science to Health earlier on February 11, only to have Governor Inslee announce later that same day that the Northwest Region – Jefferson, Clallam, Mason, and Kitsap Counties – were being advanced to Phase 2 in Washington’s Roadmap to Recovery. Other topics discussed:
- Advancing to Phase 2 will benefit businesses such as restaurants and bars by allowing indoor seating to 25% of their capacity (see for details).
- In addition, the UK variant virus has been identified in King, Snohomish, and Pierce Counties. The UK Variant is more infectious than COVID-19 and double masking is recommended to reduce risk of transmission.
- A better fitting mask (or two masks) equals better protection for the wearer.
- Vaccine, vaccine, whose got the vaccine? Uncertainty in vaccine allocation and supply continues to be a problem in Jefferson County.