

Radio Connects Us All

We’re S.M.A.R.T. at KPTZ!

KPTZ Program Director Larry Stein plays it S.M.A.R.T. on his Thanksgiving eve Bring Your Records show, with a disposable microphone mask to keep it safe amid the recently Rising COVID-19, Rising Risk.

We’ve all done a great job of keeping the spread of COVID-19 at bay, and with new advances in vaccines, there’s a light at the end of the tunnel!
But it’ll be a good number of months before we can say “hasta la vista, baby” to the virus. And cases are on the rise. So, our Department of Emergency Management is asking you to be COVID S.M.A.R.T. !
That’s S-M-A-R-T:
S: Sanitize frequently.
M: Mask appropriately ~ even with family and friends outside your household.
A: Air Flow ~ When socializing try to stay outside. If you’re inside, use fans and open windows to keep that air moving.
R: Room between people ~ Stay six feet apart whenever possible.
T: Technology for gatherings ~ Use video conferencing technology instead of in-person visits.
Keep up the great work, everyone! Jefferson County will get through this…together.