Have you witnessed “Micro-Moments” of Care in our Community? Tell us more…
During this time of physical distancing, folks have found creative ways to support and respond to the needs of others. Everybody Can would like to recognize those who have “Stepped Up” to the challenges and opportunities of this unique season we find ourselves in.
Our “Stepping Up” segment will feature those one-off opportunities: independent “micro-moments” of reaching out, helping or serving others. You know, those moments that are a bit off the radar, someone cleaning up a public space, carrying a package, pulling a weed on the curb, or simply giving that parking spot away. Let us know if you have witnessed or benefited from the unique kindness of someone, or a simple caring gesture. Too often we think it is a larger-than-life demonstration of service that deserves the recognition. But it takes so little to change lives.
Truly, it’s the tiniest of those moments that are the building blocks to a kind and caring community. Send a quick email to [email protected] and help us to share these inspiring moments. Stepping Up – it matters!
Everybody Can airs alternate weeks on Tuesdays or Thursdays, in the noon hour.
Missy Nielsen, Host of Everybody Can
“Everybody can be great, because everybody can serve.”
~Dr. Martin Luther King