It’s on! KPTZ’s LOVE FEST starts tonight. It’s a 24-hour radio party and everyone is invited. Beginning Thursday, February 13 at 7pm with Pete Lack’s Disco Geezer show, and running through Friday, February 14 at 7pm. Tune into KPTZ 91.9FM for live music, interviews, DJ sets and literary readings, here’s a sneak peak!
KPTZ Love Fest Live Guest Schedule:
Thursday 2/13
7:30pm – Love Doll Swingers
8:00pm – Something unexpected…
Friday 2/14
10:30am – Judith-Kate Friedman
12:15pm – John “Greyhound” Maxwell & Jon Parry
1:00pm – Ray Troll & The Ratfish Wranglers
2:00pm – A Short Step Back in Time w/ Scott Wilson & Carol Haase
3:00pm – Samara Jade
4:30pm – Don White (reading)
In addition, stay tuned for KPTZ Love Line dedications from station listeners and featured literary readings from Bonnie Obremski, Gary Lilley, Peter Quinn, Sylvia Bowman. Plus an exclusive new recording from Wild Rose Chorale!
As special thank you gifts to Love Fest donors, KPTZ’s concierge at the station will hand out gift certificates and special offerings from local businesses, including the Food Co-op, Wild Birds Unlimited, Pourhouse, 7 Cedars Longhouse Market, Mystic Monkey Yoga, and Wandering Wardrobe. Other Donor Gift options are Ray Troll 2020 Calendars from WA Sea Grant, KPTZ Fortifier glasses, and more. Something for everyone! While supplies last …
Listeners who show up at the station to donate in person will be treated to baked treats being donated by Jacque at PT Computers. And at Friday’s Pop Up from 1-3pm in front of Quimper Mercantile, gift cards from Quimper Mercantile can be claimed by KPTZ donors who show up there, on a first come, first serve basis.
KPTZ’s “Love Fest” UnderCurrents Marathon
Tonight at 10pm, join KPTZ for a special marathon of Native Voice One’s UnderCurrents program. We’ll start with the daily, four-hour music mix heard around the USA and world, then continue with previously-aired shows until our live Valentine’s Day Love Fest programming begins at 8am.
Want to know what songs the UnderCurrents hosts are playing? They do backannounce, and you can see the “UC” playlist number shown in parenthesis after each hour’s “Currently Spinning” program name (on all KPTZ.org web pages), then look for it in the UnderCurrents playlists here.
Tune in, pop by and share the love!