Phil Andrus gets Tossed Salad off to an early start with Can’t Wait for Salad at 12:40, featuring Krista Mudge and Brian Edminston, basketball referees. Thereafter you have:
1:00 – Jeanie Murphy, “Banjo Tunes, Tunings, and Lore”
1:30 – Sue Thompson and Bobbi Nikles, vocals with guitar and fiddle
2:00 – Tom Jay, “A Word and a Poem”
2:15 – Ellen Falconer, guest DJ
3:15 – The Roadstead Project, with Laticia Huber, Laura Alisanne, Kelly Matlock, and Sharon Carter
3:45 – Donn Ring, spiritual basis for earth care
4:30 – Storyteller Alice Squire, of the Story People of Clallam County