

Radio Connects Us All

Everybody Can / Missy Nielsen

Missy Nielsen has worked in the nonprofit sector over the past 20 years, from leading a social services organization for expatriate families while living in China, to driving development efforts for an afterschool STEM program. Her work consistently focuses on helping others thrive and grow, thus her passion for volunteerism. With a degree in Human Behavior and Ethics, her life work has also included Career Counselor at the University of Washington in Washington State.

When not working on behalf of the youth of Port Townsend, Missy can be found scrambling up a mountain, galloping down, creating art from salvaged objects and capturing stories from newly made friends over a cup of mocha. Most importantly she loves connecting folks to opportunities that ignite passion and purpose in life — indeed Everybody Can!

Everybody Can airs alternate Tuesdays (repeating the following week on Thursday) in the noon hour.  Listen to past shows on the podcast page. Email Missy.